Kicking off at 8 AM Second Life Time (Pacific Time) a gathering of top-notch DJs will be appearing at Second Life’s Berghain nightclub.
Among the DJs is Globalconnection’s very own kaori, so make sure you don’t miss this one, it’s going to be a banger 🙂
This Saturday, coming to a virtual world near you, we have the eggplant music festival and Art extravaganza!!!
Join us for a celebration of the collaborative community spirit, the wondrous creativity of SL, and a whole bunch of ridiculous eggplant innuendo. This event is going to be a wild and silly one! Can’t wait to see you there!!
The Festival area has two stages for the performances. The Greenhouse Stage is for DJs and the Ambient Tent stage is for the live ambient music showcase.
Myrdin (flex 1 pm to 7 pm) and Kalyca (7 pm to 11 pm) are doing particle FX on a flexible schedule when feeling inspired.
So if you want to come along and join the fun, then click on the taxi below, for an instant ride to the event
If you need the flyer too, you can grab it HERE
Tomorrow there’s an event at Betamax, which features quite a lineup of great DJ’s!
The event kicks off at 12am SLT (Pacific Time) with Kaori, then SNWCRSH finishing off the event at 4:30am SLT (Pacific Time)
Also featuring Pussy Nacht and Aidalinette, supplying the finest techno at the underground of Betamax club.
So, if you want to come along and listen, then hit the taxi below for a direct teleport to the club.
We got a very special Friday the 13th treat for you all, to celebrate, kaori will be stepping up to the decks, to mix some hardcore of the industrial kind, this all takes place in Second Life’s Ballerhalle at 1 PM SLT (Pacific Time) for 1 hour. If you like your core hard, and industrial stylee, then this is the place to be.
We’ll see you all there!

We have a really cool back-to-back merciless techno session coming your way on the 16th of this month!
kaori and Pussy Nacht team up to bring you No Mercy for the Weak at the Pussy Plot (which also happens to be on the very same sim as code 415 and Code Openstage)
So the details for this techno event are as follows
Time: 12PM SLT (Pacific Time)
Genre: Harder and Darker styles of Techno
We will post a reminder nearer the time and hope to see you all there
With the increasing amount of restrictions on non-verified accounts, and with the latest announcement of a full rebrand of the Twitter platform, we have taken the decision to remove our presence from the now-known “”.
Updates for our own projects will always be posted here, and we still have a presence on Facebook. We also have a mastodon server if you wish to use it, it’s free to sign up, and is a great place to chat about music, and games if you wish (it caters for both)
Other then that, it’s business as usual.
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